"but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect"
1 Peter 3:15

Started by Atlanta native, John Wood, Stained Glass Apparel was born out of a desire to see more creative representations of scripture in the world around us. We are a Christian clothing brand committed to bringing you unique, Spirit-inspired kingdom wear. We are Christian creatives that don't believe in compromising our walk nor our style. At the crux of the most Biblically illiterate generation this world has ever seen, we choose to use fashion as a means to share the gospel. It is our sincere desire to make conversation pieces that will allow you to stand out and share your faith wherever you go.
Churches have been historically covered in stained glass art in order to tell the stories of the Bible. But this art also reveals how the church coincides with creativity. The two have always coexisted to fulfill the purpose of the Kingdom.
The goal

We are not just a brand. We are here to represent Christ and represent Him well. Every message you see on our clothing will edify you and those you come in contact with. We seek to do what Jesus did in His earthly ministry. Be creative in our expression of scripture in order to draw people in.

We spend a significant amount of time working with vendors and wholesalers to make sure that our garments are great quality. Our goal is to ensure that you have a garment that you love and can wear again and again.